
What is a liplift?

As the face ages, so does the lip. This causes the skin around the lips to sag. There are two possible causes for this: the structure of the skin and the underlying tissue which has changed, or a loss of volume in the lips. A liplift is also often applied to trans women. A liplift makes the appearance of the lips immediately more feminine.

With a liplift the distance between the upper lip and the nose is shortened. This often makes the upper teeth more visible, which is a characteristic of a youthful woman. During the procedure, a piece of skin is removed from under the nose. This immediately makes the lip look a lot fuller.

The advantage over treatment with fillers is that the result of a liplift is permanent. A third option is to fill the lips with lipofilling (with the body’s own fat).

What are the benefits of a liplift?

  • Lips appear fuller
  • Teeth become more visible
  • Recovery time of 7 to 14 days
  • Choose local or general anesthesia
  • Permanent change

How does a liplift work?

In principle, the liplift is performed under local anesthesia. However, when the procedure is combined with other procedures, it is performed under general anesthesia. Prior to the operation the plastic surgeon will discuss all the steps with you one last time. The plastic surgeon draws with a sterile marker the skin that will be incised during the operation.

When the anesthesia has kicked in, a small incision is made just below the nose. Next, the lip is rolled upward revealing more lip red. Next, the doctor will remove a strip of skin just below the nose and the two parts are sutured back together, in two layers.

After the procedure, a small scar is visible just below the nose. It is therefore hardly visible. The treatment takes on average between 1 and 2 hours.


During the first consultation you will discuss with one of our consultants what your wishes are, why you want the liplift and what your specific wishes are. The consultant will provide you with all the necessary information about the preparations, the different treatments and the further recovery process of your procedure. She answers your questions about the general course.

To give you a good idea of the procedure, a simulation will be made after the first consultation. We do this by taking pictures of the front and sides of the face. A special simulation program is then used to make a model of your head. This allows the surgeon to give you a realistic picture of the final result and the details of the procedure can be better explained. This simulation costs a one-time fee of €150. If the treatment goes ahead, this amount will be deducted from your final bill.

Following the simulation, if desired, another appointment is scheduled with Dr. W. Verhaege, one of our, BIG-registered, plastic surgeons. The doctor will go through the whole procedure again with you and will go into the medical aspects of the operation. He will also assess whether you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. It is important that there is sufficient distance between the nose and upper lip. With all this information you will eventually make a choice. Of course we will listen to all your expectations and you can ask questions. This consultation takes place in Belgium. Both consultations are completely free and without obligation.

What can you expect after a liplift?

After the liplift we will keep you in the clinic for about three to four hours. It may also be that the doctor, in consultation with you, decides that it is better to stay another night in the clinic so that you can receive 24-hour care. As soon as you wake up, you will be in the recovery room. Here you will be given time to recover, your vital signs will be checked, and the nurse will offer you something to drink and eat. When the doctor assesses that your body functions are good, you may go home. However, you must be accompanied, regardless of the means of transport you use. We will call your escort when you are ready to leave the clinic.

In case of treatment under anesthesia, you can slowly eat something at home. Choose easily digestible food (water/tea and biscuits). Try to avoid nausea and vomiting. This will reduce the chance of post-operative bleeding and/or congestion of the wound. It is also important to drink a lot of water/tea.

The anesthesia works for some time after the procedure. Afterwards the wound can feel a bit burning. In addition, the area around the mouth may feel a little taut. The lip will be a bit red and swollen for the first few days. These side effects will subside after a few days.

In some cases the wound may still bleed a little. This can be remedied by getting enough rest.


Wij raden u aan om de eerste 2-3 dagen na de ingreep volledig thuis te blijven om te herstellen. Tot ± 6-8 weken na de operatie mag u in ieder geval niet sporten. Probeer zware lichamelijke arbeid en zwaar tillen te vermijden, zodat er zo min mogelijk druk op de wond komt te staan.

Wanneer u weer mag werken of andere activiteiten kunt verrichten, is per patiënt verschillend. Dit kunt u bespreken met uw arts.

Controle afspraken

De dag nadat u naar huis bellen wij u op om te vragen hoe het met u gaat en indien nodig, uw vragen te beantwoorden. Wij plannen op dat moment een controle afspraak met u in na 7 dagen en 14 dagen. Het is altijd mogelijk dat de arts een extra controlemoment wenst om de wondgenezing extra goed te kunnen controleren. Na acht weken komt u op eindcontrole. De eindcontrole wordt gedaan door uw plastisch chirurg.